
Appointment Scheduler Calendar Snippet in the CMS

The MSU Appointment Scheduler allows faculty or staff advisors to establish an electronic booking calendar, through which students may schedule appointments. The Appointment Scheduler Calendar Snippet allows you to place your calendar of availability on any web page, which can then be advertised to students and used to schedule appointments. If you are new to the Appointment Scheduler, please visit the Appointment Scheduler Help Center.


To create an Appointment Scheduler Calendar Snippet:

  1. Open the CMS Editor.
  2. Click the Snippet icon.

  3. Locate the Appointment Scheduler Snippet by searching under the Embed category.
  4. Once you have made your selection click Insert.
  5. A table transform will appear in the CMS Editor.

  6. All you will need to do is input the appropriate ID in the ID Field. To find your personal calendar ID, follow the instructions in the Snippet:
  • Log in to the Appointment Scheduler.
  • Select the Configuration Dropdown from the main navigation bar. Click Embeddable Calendar Code.

  • A dialog will appear with a segment of HTML code. Locate the ID value.

  1. Once you have finished editing your web page, save and preview to ensure your Snippet has rendered correctly.
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