
How do I link to the Campus Map in the CMS?

MSU has an interactive Campus Map listing MSU's buildings, providing photographs, and giving the building location.

For example:

View the EPS Building

The building will pop up as the page is called and display the information related to the EPS building.

How to insert a link to the map

You can insert a link to this map on any of your web pages by following these easy steps.

  1. From the CMS Editor highlight the building name you would like to create a link for. This will become your link text.
  2. Click the Link icon.

  3. In the Link dialog copy and paste the following URL into the Link URL Field:!/buildings/2
  4. Replace the number at the end of the link (/2) with the appropriate building number, as indicated in the chart below:
Campus Map Linking Numbers

Building Name

Building Number

A.J.M. Johnson Hall 3
Animal Biosciences Building 89
Animal Resources Center 14
ASMSU Day Care Center 49
Atkinson Quadranagle Residence Halls (Quads) 24
Barnard Hall 2
Big Sky Institute 60
Black Box Theater 7
Bobcat Stadium 86
Branegan Court 65
Brick Breeden Fieldhouse 54
Cheever Hall 37
Chemistry & Biochemistry Research 25
Cobleigh Hall 1
Colter Hall 29
Cooley Laboratory 13
Culbertson Hall 27
Danforth Chapel 20
East Julia Martin 63
Foundation and Alumni Center 48
Gaines Hall 5
Grant-Chamberlain Drive 67
Hamilton Hall 19
Hannon Hall 22
Hapner Hall 23
Haynes Hall 36
Herrick Hall 21
Howard Hall 38
Huffman Building - MSU Security and Police Station 50
Jabs Hall 111
Johnstone Center 31
Langford Residence Hall 32
Leon-Johnson Hall 16
Lewis Hall 15
Linfield Hall 11
Marga Hosaeus Fitness Center 47
McCall Hall 39
McIntosh Court 66
Miller Dining Hall 42
Montana Hall 17
Montana Manufacturing Center 84
Montana Water Center 59
Chemistry Modular Building 26
Mullan Hall 28
Museum of the Rockies 61
North Hedges Residence Hall 40
North Hedges Suites 44
Outdoor Recreation 57
Paisley Court 62
Plant Biosciences Building 34
Plant Growth Center 35
Plew Physical Plant 51
Pryor Hall 30
Reid Hall 8
Renne Library 53
Roberts Hall 0
Romney Gym 04
Roskie Hall 43
S.O.B. Barn 46
Safety and Risk Management 85
Sherrick Hall 10
South Hedges Residence Hall 41
Strand Union Building 52
Student Health Services 55
Taylor Hall 12
Traphagen Hall 9
Trout Lab 58
Visitor Parking (Lot and Booth) 56
Visual Communication Building 6
West Julia Martin 64
Western Transportation Institute 83
Westside Houses 68
Wilson Hall 18
Wool Lab 33
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