You can easily edit an image and change its crop by logging in to Image Manager.
- Log in to COPE.
- Click the dropdown arrow in the main navigation bar and select Image Manager.
- You will be directed to your image library and will be able to view all images you or your group has uploaded to the Image Manager.
- Locate the image you wish to edit.
- Click Crop in the left-hand column next to the image you will edit.
- Make your appropriate changes to the image using the pan and zoom tools for each image size. This is your chance to select the focal point for the image!
- If you only see one image size, check your view setting in the top right-hand corner of the screen. It will probably read Collapsed.
- Click Collapsed to change the view setting to Expanded which will display all of your image sizes.
- Once you have finished making your edits, be sure to Save Changes by clicking in the upper right-hand corner or at the bottom of the screen.