Important! Before you begin (and as you're working on your emails)
Make sure you safe often! Ctrl + s or File -> Save will "save" your bacon many times. Any navigation away from the page without a save will lose your changes to the internet ether.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's get started.
Create an email from a template quickly
- Sign-in to COPE and navigate to the Email Star tool. (Don't see it? Read our Getting Started with Email Star article first.)
- When you first open Email Star, you'll be on the "Viewing Emails" page which contains the emails your organization has produced or is currently producing. In that list you should see at least one entry with a green "New from Template" button - that's one of your templates. Click it!
- Don't have a template yet? Learn how to request one from our Getting Started with Email Star article.
- You can also do this using a previously published email by opening an email to edit and selecting File -> New Email from Draft...
- At least add a title, description if you want, and select a category (you may need to create a new category by clicking on "Manage Categories" first.)
- Start editing your email. Perhaps the easiest way for you to get this done quickly will be:
- Copy text from Word document
- Place cursor in one of the [Placeholder Text] regions
- Click the "Edit" dropdown and select "Paste from Word..."
- Paste your content in the box and click, "Apply to active region"
- Email is probably 90-100% done!
Then you'll need to send, if you haven't done that with an Email Star email before: How do I send an email created with Email Star?